AI1: Introduction to Neural Networks

Goal: This module introduce students to the basic concepts of neural networks taking a do it by yourself approach. More specifically the students will learn how a neural network is a structured as a collection of perceptron forming multiple layers. They will also learn how these systems can be trained using backpropagation and gradient descent techniques. Finally, they will have the opportunity to implement their own neural network in python without the need of particular libraries. Moreover, the will put into practice these techniques by implementing their first patter recognition

Assignment: Students will be evaluated as a combination of their final examination that will cover the theory and the result of the group assignment. The assignment consist in the development of a pattern recognition using a neural network library that they will implement by themselves. Groups of maximum four students will be formed during the first week of the module

Resources: Material that will be used for the classes includes:

This is a short overview of the work that will be done each week:

WeekClass Preparation
1Artificial Intelligence Applications
2What is a Perceptron
3The Basic of a Neural Network
4Gradient Descent and Cost Functions
6More on Back-propagation and practical aspects of AI
7Introduction to Genetic Algorithms and more practical aspects of AI