DT4: Preparation for Week 6

Author:Javed Khan
Learning Line:Digital Transformation
Course:DT4: Data-driven Design
Competencies:Knows how to evaluate an AI & Data Science product.
BoKS:4K5, Knows how to evaluate an AI & Data Science product.
A4, Human-centered: putting people / users first, as a starting point and thinking of technology as enabler and not the end-goal.
Learning Goals:Know how to plan and execute a user-test.


In the previous week you developed a hi-fi prototype. This week is time to prepare to evaluate it with users.

In Design Council’s “Double Diamond” model of the design process (Fig.1) the step of coming up with several prototypes, would be the “Deliver” part of the process. That is because by user testing your hi-fi prototype you will reject aspects of it that are problematic and improve the ones that are promising.

Figure 1: Design Council’s “Double Diamond” model of the design process.

Exercise: develop the material to execute a user test

As it was earlier on in this course, you need to get hold of representative users; that is users that you expect to be in your target group. Next you need to write up tasks that you want them to execute. Here you have to think of the order of tasks and need to start from the most important one and work your way through. Next you need to ask your users/participants to try to execute the tasks you prepare with your hi-fi prototype and while they are trying to execute them they need to think aloud; that is verbalize their thoughts. Since verbalizing our thoughts is not natural behavior, especially to strangers, you need to remind and encourage them to do so. You should not help your participants in completing the task, you just need to sit back and observe what they do and what they say and remind them to think aloud.

Video 1: an example of user test.
Video 2: user testing process explained.