Author: | Javed Khan |
Learning Line: | Digital Transformation |
Course: | DT4: Data-driven Design |
Week: | 8 |
Competencies: | Write a clear and informative report |
BoKS: | 4K1, Knows user-centered design principles and processes. A8, Constructively critical. |
Learning Goals: | Know how to structure and write a clear and informative report. |
In most projects the Final Report is the main (if not only) deliverable! Thus, you need to spend considerable time and effort to properly report your process, product and findings. Writing is not just informing others but also a chance to structure your own thoughts.
Every report is essentially a collection of paragraphs. Therefore, how to structure a paragraph is salient in writing any report. Another useful tip is to warm up before you actually start writing. For your first exercise take a paragraph you have already written and try to improve it based on the tips in the online article on how to structure a paragraph.
More resources
For an extensive course on technical writing I would recommend Stanford university’s Writing in the Sciences online course and the book: How to write a lot.